Slated for extensive renovation and redevelopment, this building was originally intended as office space to let, but even before completion of the construction work, the building was bought by RPS (Rijkspostspaarbank), a government founded and owned savings bank that would later merge with the municipal bank to become the Postbank, which was eventually privatised and merged with ING. In the late 90it became one of the main campuses of the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences). Designed by Piet Zanstra, Ab Gmelig Meyling and Peter de Clercq Zubli and constructed between 1973 and 1977, it is one of the prime examples of Brutalism and Structuralism in Amsterdam. The use of prefab elements allowed for the creation of a pleasant collection of volumes with a nice variety in scale and shape, while still clearly utilising the same basic building elements. It is currently facing redevelopment, with the lower volumes slated for demolition to make room for a new highrise structure that will double the total floorspace of the building, while the remaining original section will be extensively renovated and updated. Besides commercial space the new structure will include 400 dwellings. How much of the original exterior will survive is unclear at this time.